Lambert, Le Camus, Charpentier, Hotman A.O. / Johannette Zomer / Fred Jacobs – l’Esprit Galant (2007) [Hi-Res SACD Rip]

Lambert, Le Camus, Charpentier, Hotman A.O. / Johannette Zomer / Fred Jacobs - l'Esprit Galant (2007) [Hi-Res SACD Rip]

Lambert, Le Camus, Charpentier, Hotman A.O. / Johannette Zomer / Fred Jacobs – l’Esprit Galant (2007)
[Hi-Res SACD Rip]

SACD Rip | ISO / DSD / 1bit / 2.8224MHz | FLAC Tracks / 24bit / 88.2kHz | Stereo & Multichannel
Hybrid SACD | Full Scans Included
Total Size: 3.17 GB (ISO) + 2.38 GB (FLAC Mch) + 1.01 GB (FLAC Stereo) | 3% RAR Recovery
Label: Channel Classics | Austria | Cat#: CCS SA 24307 | Genre: Classical

L’Esprit Galant (Airs by) Boësset, Lambert, Le Camus, and Charpentier Pièces de théorbe by Gautier, Pinel, Hotman, and De Visée. The short and succinct Air sérieux experienced a great flowering in the second half of the 17th century. The audiences of the time loved variety and novelty, in the theatre, the dance, and in music as well. The poetry on which the Air sérieux was based bore the general name of galanterie. ‘Delicate’, ‘cheerful’, ‘sweet’, and ‘light-footed’ (1) were the words associated with galant poets around 1670. The music was similarly referred to: Un air doux et galant En parlant, trouve souvent L’heureux secret de plaire (Jean Sicard, 1679) (2) The characteristics described above, however, apply not only to the text and music, but to the performing style as well. The importance of diction in singing is an important topic in Bénigne de Bacilly’s ‘Remarques curieuses sur l’art de bien chanter’ (1668): he devotes no fewer than 186 pages to the subject. The language used in singing is different than that used in speaking. In order to be expressive, a singer, according to Bacilly, cannot neglect a single syllable. ―

Antoine Boësset (1586 – 1643)
01. Noires Forêts – 01:53
02. Que servent tes conseils – 03:18
Ennemond Gautier (ca. 1575 – 1651)
03. L’Immortelle – 02:05
Antoine Boësset
04. Me veux tu voir mourir – 02:15
Germain Pinel (ca. 1600 – 1661)
05. Prélude – 01:09
Michel Lambert (ca. 1610 – 1696)
06. Vous éprouyer toujours sévère – 00:58
07. Ombre de mon amant – 03:47
Nicolas Hotman (before 1614 – 1663)
08. Sarabande – 02:06
Michel Lambert
09. Il n’est point d’amour sans peine – 01:12
10. Rochers, vous êtes sourds – 04:08
11. Vos mépris chaque jour – 02:09
Nicolas Hotman
Pièces de théorbe in d minor

12. Allemande – 01:50
13. Courante – 01:39
14. Passacaille – 03:00
Sébastien le Camus (ca. 1610 – 1677)
15. Forêts solitaires et sombres – 02:09
16. Ah Fuyons ce dangereux séjour – 01:06
17. Laissez durer la nuit – 05:18
18. Qu’une longue tiédeur ennuie – 01:18
19. Amour, cruel Amour – 02:32
Robert de Visée (before 1660 – after 1725)
20. Prélude – 02:02
21. La Mascarade – 01:39
22. Chaconne en rondeau – 04:17
Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643 – 1704)
23. Ah Laissez-moi rêver H.441 – 02:50
24. Celle qui fait tout mon tourment H.450 – 02:05
25. Ah qu’on est malheureux H.443 – 02:00
26. Ruisseau, qui nourrit dans ce bois H.466 – 02:36
27. Sans Frayeur dans ce bois (Chaconne) H.467 – 01:46




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