The Runaways – Discography (1976-2008)

The Runaways - Discography (1976-2008)

The Runaways – Discography (1976-2008)
FLAC Tracks & Image + Cue + Log | Full Scans Included
Total Discs: 9xCDs | Total Size: 2.71 GB | 3% RAR Recovery

Often dismissed during their existence as a crass marketing gimmick, the Runaways have grown in stature over the years as the first all-female band to make a substantial impression on the public by playing loud, straight-up, guitar-driven rock & roll. Since all of the members were teenagers (some of whom were still learning to play their instruments when they passed their auditions), the band’s music was frequently raw and amateurish, but it neatly combined American heavy metal with the newly emerging sound of punk rock. In the media, the Runaways were victims of their own hype, supplied by maverick promoter/manager Kim Fowley. Fowley’s insistence on a sleazy jailbait image for the group made it easy for the press to dismiss them as nothing but a tasteless adolescent fantasy — an impression bolstered at the time by the admittedly erratic quality of their music. But in the end, the Runaways’ sound and attitude proved crucially important in paving the way for female artists to crank up the volume on their guitars and rock as hard as the boys; plus, they produced one undeniably classic single in the rebel-girl manifesto “Cherry Bomb.” ― by Allmusic


1976. The Runaways (1990, Nippon Phonogram Co., PPD-3079, JP)
1976. The Runaways (2011, Universal, UICY-25090, JP)

1977. Queens Of Noise (1990, Nippon Phonogram Co., PPD-3080, JP)
1977. Queens Of Noise (2003, Cherry Red, CDMRED 238, UK)

1977. Waitin’ For The Night (2003, Cherry Red, CDMRED 240, UK)

1978. And Now… The Runaways (2008, Anagram Records, CDM GRAM 63, UK)


1977. Live In Japan (1993, Nippon Phonogram Co., PHCR-4175, JP)
1977. Live In Japan (2003, Cherry Red, CDMRED 241, UK)


2008. Japanese Singles Collection (2008, Cherry Red, CDM RED 358, UK)


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